A: No. Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 is a Federal Civil Rights law (20 U.S.C §1681- §1688).
A: No. Title IX is your right as a student/family of a student or employee of Framingham Public Schools. The cost of the Investigation is 100% free.
A: No. Title IX is a separate procedure. At times, the Title IX office may interact with the police or the DA’s Office regarding the status of the case. Otherwise, this is a completely separate process.
A: No. By law, the Investigative report/findings from a Title IX investigation are kept in the student’s school file for a period of seven years.
A: Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 states that: “NO PERSON IN THE UNITED STATES SHALL, ON THE BASIS OF SEX, BE EXCLUDED FROM PARTICIPATION IN, BE DENIED THE BENEFITS OF, OR BE SUBJECTED TO DISCRIMINATION UNDER ANY EDUCATION PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY RECEIVING FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE.” Title IX is a Federal Civil Rights law that holds an individual in violation if they discriminate against an individual(s) based on that individual(s) sex. This type of discrimination includes quid pro quo treatment based on sex, sexual harassment and sexual assault. Title IX also applies to gender equity in Athletics.
A: No need to guess! Please call your school Principal, the Title IX office (or both!) for assistance in figuring this out.
A: Depending on the complexity of the case and the route that the parties agree to take in resolving the matter, a Title IX process can take any time between a week and several months from start to finish.
A: No. Title IX applies to Student-Student, Employee-Student and Employee-Employee violations.
A: It is your right as a victim or family of a victim to seek recourse for any violation made against you. However, this is a decision that you should make after being fully informed of the process and having all of your questions answered to your satisfaction. We encourage you to reach out to the Title IX Office for a fuller discussion of this matter.
A: Yes. You will be kept informed of the progress of the process in writing or verbally through every step of the process and whenever you reach out to the office with questions or concerns on the process.
A: Yes. Under Title IX, you are entitled to receive any reasonable Supportive Measures that will help you in coping with the process. Additional counseling support is also available to you through referral from the Framingham Public Schools’ Department of Health and Wellness. You are also entitled to have an Attorney or Advisor of your choosing (at your expense) throughout the process.
A: Please reach out to the TItle IX Office for any assistance you may need at home while your student is going through the Title IX process. Supportive Measures can be provided to you and referrals can also be made to outside providers to assist you.
A: No. You are not required to agree to a Title IX Investigation. However, the Framingham Public Schools has the right to open a Title IX investigation on the facts of your case should we deem it necessary to protect the health, safety and well-being of the Framingham Public Schools community.
A: Yes. Please feel free to reach out to the Title IX office for any support that you as a family may need.
A: Yes. Within five days of the issuance of the final decision. Either party has the right to appeal the final decision to Dr. Robert Tremblay, Superintendent of Framingham Public Schools.
A: No. The Title IX office is a different department from Human Resources (HR). Title IX matters involving Framingham Public Schools employees may also be referred to HR.
A: Under Title IX procedure, both parties may agree to resolve the matter Informally. This is called an Informal Resolution. This option is subject to the approval of the Title IX Coordinator and will be discussed with both parties thoroughly prior to approval.
A: The Decision-Maker is the party responsible for determining the consequences of a person found to be in violation of Title IX. Consequences may include a variety of measures from mandatory counseling and school suspension to termination of employment.
A: No. Title IX applies to “any education program or activity in the United States receiving Federal financial assistance.” So, it applies to any school program that receives financial assistance from the Federal government. This includes all public schools.
A: Please contact the school Principal or any other school administrator who you feel comfortable speaking with. Also, feel free to contact the Title IX District Administrator.