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Media and Communications Office

A blue banner with white text that reads 'MEDIA AND COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE' and a colorful logo on the left.

A blue circle with a white square containing the letter 'f' in lowercase.A blue circle with a white Instagram logo in the center.A red circle with a white play button inside, representing the YouTube logo.The LinkedIn logo, a white 'in' on a blue circle.

Framingham Public Schools Communication

Our Communications Office plays a strategic role in informing and engaging parents, students, staff members, residents, business and community partners, and the media. We are committed to providing timely and accurate communications that help build informed, supportive relationships.

Our communication tools include:

  • Automated Calls (Robocalls), emails, and text messages through ParentSquare*
  • District and individual school websites and calendars
  • Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube social media accounts
  • E-Newsletters from Smore (All Smore newsletters can be translated by clicking in the email, scrolling to the bottom of the page, and selecting 'Translate' in the black accessibility bar.)
  • Collateral materials, such as brochures and fliers
  • Photographs / Videos at school and district events
  • Community Forums
  • Media Relations

*If at any time you need to update your ParentSquare preferences to ensure you are receiving the outreach (non-emergency) and emergency notifications on the device of your choice - please update your information at your child's school or through the ParentSquare app. You can receive phone calls, emails, and text messages in English, Spanish, or Portuguese, depending on your preference.

Please note the following phone numbers. These are the numbers that will send you calls or text messages.

Robocalls: 508-626-9117
This is the phone number that will call you with automated messages. Please save this number on your phone so you know when it is the automated line vs. your child's school!

Text Messages: 60680
This is the number that will text you with FPS messages.

A picture of Mariah Linnett

Mariah Linnett

Creative Communications Designer
(Office) 508-782-6098

  • Manages FPS social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn & YouTube)
  • Digital and Print Design: brochures, booklets, social media graphics, etc.
  • School & District event photography / videography
  • Video editing, Branding, Additional support as needed

Share Your Good News!

Do you have exciting news featuring a student, teacher, administrator, or school that you think deserves some extra attention?

Please share the details by clicking on the 'Share Your Good News' button below! You can upload photos or attachments within the form.

White text on a blue background reads 'Share Your Good News!'

School Delay & Closing Information

Framingham Public Schools communication channels are the most reliable resource to find information concerning school closings or delays. This includes:

  • FPS District and School Websites - Pop-up Alert
  • FPS District and School Homepages - District News Section
  • FPS Social Media Accounts (Facebook and Instagram (Story))
  • Mass Notification Calls, Emails, and/or Texts to Staff, Parents, and FHS Students
  • FPS Staff Email

We contact the media sources listed below. Other stations may report Framingham Public School District closings and delays but we are not responsible for providing them with information. In the event of extreme weather conditions, no-school, and/or early dismissal announcements will be broadcast over the same stations.


  • WBUR 90.9 FM Boston
  • WBZ 1030 AM Boston
  • WSRS 96.1 FM Worcester
  • WTAG 580 AM Worcester


  • Metrowest Daily News
  • Framingham Patch
  • Boston Globe

Television (Between 6:00am - 8:00am if the announcement is made on the day-of the delay or cancellation. These sources usually list cancellations online and in their mobile apps as well.)

  • WBZ-TV (Channel 4)
  • WCVB-TV (Channel 5)
  • WHDH-TV (Channels 7 and 56)
  • WFXT (Fox 25)
  • NBC10 Boston / NECN / Telemundo

Photo and Video Opt-Out

The Framingham Public School District uses images and/or videos (‘media’) of students and student work to showcase educational activities and programs (including before and after school and vacation programs), as well as to inform the community of the Framingham Public Schools experience. Photographs, videos, and/or the name of your child may be included in publications (print or digital), news releases, and on District maintained websites or social media accounts.

If you DO NOT give Framingham Public Schools permission to use your child’s name, image, or school work in any public display or presentation, please complete the digital Google Form (Photo / Video Opt-Out | Exclusión de foto/video | Formulário de Exclusão de Mídia (Foto/Vídeo) or print, sign, and return the form(s) listed below to the appropriate place based on your school(s).

Printed Forms

Printed forms can be returned to the:

  • Office or classroom for BLOCKS students
  • Homeroom for elementary students
  • School office for middle and high school students

Please note that FPS does not control the disclosure or use of photographs or video taken by participants at events that are open to parents, community members, and/or the news media. Additionally, this form does not apply to students participating in public events, like academic competitions, performances and athletic events. Student photos and names from these events may be published by news media.

Upon receipt of this signed opt-out form, school staff will document your child’s status (Media Opt-Out) in the X2 Student Information System for the current school year. 

Social Media

Three Reasons You Should Follow School and District Social Media
We would like to invite you to take a moment and follow our district and school social media feeds. Staying in touch with us on social media will keep you in the loop on the amazing things we are accomplishing together each day. Although it is a supplemental space, social media can also be a critical line of communication during emergencies and will be a great place for you to get up to date information. 

  1. Knowledge - Learn about what makes our community, our schools, district programs, students, teachers, district staff, families, and the future so amazing!
  2. Stay Connected - Keep up to date with what is going on at your child's school and the district as a whole. Participate in the shared experience of our social media community. Like, share/RT, comment on topics that inspire you!
  3. Emergency Communication - During emergencies district social media feeds may be a critical line of communication with our community. When we respond to a school-wide or district-wide emergency, one of the first lines of communication to be updated will be social media.

Schools and Staff - we want to share YOUR content!
If you want your social media posts shared or retweeted, please tag the appropriate accounts below. Please also be sure to use #FraminghamSchools.  

Social Media Guidelines

  • Framingham Public School District’s social media accounts are intended to serve as a mechanism for communication between the public and the Framingham Public Schools on various school and community-related topics.

    Public Records Law

    Under Massachusetts law, all content on Framingham Public School’s social media pages, including social media comments, replies, and private messages exchanged with Framingham Public Schools are part of the public record and are subject to Massachusetts Public Records Law (G.L.c.4, § 7(26)). All content is archived, including comments edited or removed by the citizen or moderator.

    By becoming a fan/follower/subscriber of Framingham Public Schools, your information and comments may be a matter of public record. The District may be required to retain this information in accordance with the State of Massachusetts retention schedule. Public record requests can be made online or through the City Clerk’s Office.

    Moderation of Third Party Content

    Framingham Public Schools reserves the right to restrict or remove any content that is deemed in violation of these guidelines or any applicable law. The District’s intent is not to create a public forum, but to maintain a moderated online discussion (a limited public forum) directly relating to the topics posted by the Framingham Public School District that are appropriate for citizens.

    The District’s social media content, posts and comments, when permitted, shall not contain any of the following and will be removed as soon as possible:

    • Comments not topically related to the particular social media article
    • Content in support of or opposition to political campaigns or ballot measures
    • Profane or vulgar language or content
    • Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, national origin, or physical or mental disability
    • Sexual content or links to sexual content
    • Links to or references to commercial websites, spam or any third party website unless posted by the District’s approved authorized staff users for links to partnered/sponsored organizations, confirmed governmental agencies or other legitimate organizations as the District deems appropriate.
    • Conduct or encouragement of violent or illegal activity
    • Personal or character attacks
    • Content that violates a copyright, trademark or other legal ownership interest of any other party
    • Information that may compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems
    • Content containing personal identifying information or sensitive personal information

    Framingham Public Schools may ban repeat violators from posting to the District’s social media accounts, as well as remove comments at any time.

  • As contas de mídia social do Distrito Escolar de Framingham têm a intenção de servir como um mecanismo de comunicação entre o público e as Escolas Públicas em vários tópicos relacionados a escola e a comunidade.

    Lei de Registros Públicos
    De acordo com a lei de Massachusetts, todo o conteúdo das páginas da mídia social das Escolas Públicas de Framingham, incluindo comentários, respostas e mensagens privadas trocadas com as Escolas Públicas de Framingham fazem parte do registro público e estão sujeitos à Lei de Registros Públicos de Massachusetts (GLc4, § 7 ( 26)). Todo o conteúdo é arquivado, incluindo comentários editados ou removidos pelo cidadão ou moderador.

    Ao se tornar um fã/seguidor/assinante das Escolas Públicas de Framingham, suas informações e comentários podem ser um assunto de registro público. O Distrito pode ser exigido a reter essas informações de acordo com o cronograma de retenção do Estado de Massachusetts. As solicitações de registros públicos podem ser feitas online ou através do gabinete da cidade (City Clerk’s Office).

    Moderação de Conteúdo de Terceiros
    As Escolas Públicas de Framingham se reservam o direito de restringir ou remover qualquer conteúdo que seja considerado uma violação dessas diretrizes ou de qualquer lei aplicável. A intenção do distrito não é criar um fórum público, mas manter uma discussão on-line moderada (um fórum público limitado) diretamente relacionada aos tópicos publicados pelo Distrito Escolar de Framingham, adequados para os cidadãos.

    O conteúdo da mídia social, publicações e comentários do distrito, quando permitido, não deve conter nenhum dos itens a seguir e será removido o mais rápido possível:

    • Comentários não relacionados topicamente ao artigo específico da mídia social
    • Conteúdo em apoio ou oposição a campanhas políticas ou medidas eleitorais
    • Linguagem ou conteúdo profano ou vulgar
    • Conteúdo que promova, incentive, ou perpetue a discriminação com base em raça, credo, cor, idade, religião, sexo, nacionalidade ou deficiência física ou mental
    • Conteúdo sexual ou links para conteúdo sexual
    • Links ou referências a sites comerciais, spam ou qualquer site de terceiros, a menos que sejam postados pelos usuários autorizados aprovados pelo Distrito para links de organizações parceiras/patrocinadoras, agências governamentais confirmadas ou outras organizações legítimas, conforme o Distrito julgar apropriado
    • Conduta ou incentivo a atividades violentas ou ilegais
    • Ataques de caráter pessoais
    • Conteúdo que viole direitos autorais, marca comercial ou outro interesse legal de propriedade de qualquer outra parte
    • Informações que possam comprometer a segurança e proteção do público ou do sistema público
    • Conteúdo com informações de identificação pessoais ou confidenciais  

    As Escolas Públicas de Framingham podem proibir violadores reincidentes de postarem nas contas da mídia social do Distrito, bem como remover comentários a qualquer momento.

    Translations are provided by FPS. Translators are not responsible for the content of the document. CDS 05/14/2020 PORT

  • Las cuentas en redes sociales del Distrito de las Escuelas Públicas de Framingham tienen como propósito servir como un mecanismo de comunicación entre el público y las Escuelas Públicas de Framingham con respecto a varios temas relacionados con las escuelas y la comunidad.

    Ley de Registros Públicos

    Según la legislación de Massachusetts, todo el contenido de las páginas de redes sociales de las Escuelas Públicas de Framingham –incluyendo comentarios y respuestas en redes sociales, y mensajes privados que se hayan intercambiado con las Escuelas Públicas de Framingham –es parte del registro público y está sujeto a la Ley de Registros Públicos de Massachusetts (G.L.c.4, § 7(26)). Todo el contenido se archiva, incluyendo los comentarios que se hayan editado o eliminado por parte de un ciudadano o el moderador.

    Al convertirse en un fan/seguidor/suscriptor de las Escuelas Públicas de Framingham, su
    información y comentarios pueden ser materia de registro público. Se podrá requerir al Distrito que retenga esta información conforme al programa de retención del Estado de Massachusetts. Las solicitudes de registro público se pueden realizar en línea o a través de la Oficina del Secretario Municipal (City Clerk’s Office).

    Moderación del contenido de terceras partes 

    Las Escuelas Públicas de Framingham se reservan el derecho a restringir o eliminar cualquier contenido que se estime infrinja estas directrices o cualquiera de las leyes aplicables. La intención del Distrito no es crear un foro público, sino mantener una discusión en línea moderada (un foro público moderado) con relación directa a los temas publicados por el Distrito de las Escuelas Públicas de Framingham que son apropiados para los ciudadanos.

    El contenido, las publicaciones y comentarios del Distrito en redes sociales—cuando se permita—no contendrá ninguno de los siguientes elementos (de ser detectados, se eliminarán tan pronto como sea posible): 

    • Comentarios cuyo tema no tiene relación con el artículo en redes sociales en particular
    • Contenido que apoya o se opone a campañas políticas o propuestas legislativas sujetas a voto
    • Lenguaje o contenido profano o vulgar
    • Contenido que promueve, fomenta o perpetúa la discriminación en base a la raza, creencia, color, edad, religión, género, nacionalidad de origen o discapacidad física o mental
    • Contenido o vínculos electrónicos de carácter sexual
    • Vínculos electrónicos o referencias a sitios web comerciales, correo no deseado (spam) o cualquier sitio web de terceras partes a menos que hayan sido publicados por personal autorizado del Distrito para enlaces con organizaciones asociadas/patrocinadas, agencias gubernamentales confirmadas u otras organizaciones legítimas consideradas apropiadas por el Distrito
    • Publicaciones que conducen o alientan la violencia o actividades ilegales
    • Ataques personales o de carácter
    • Contenido que infringe los derechos de autor, marca registrada u otra propiedad legal de interés de cualquier otra parte 
    • Información que pueda comprometer la seguridad del público o de los sistemas públicos
    • Contenido que contiene información personal identificatoria o información personal delicada.

    Las Escuelas Públicas de Framingham podrán prohibir que aquellos que infrinjan estas reglas más de una vez publiquen contenido en las cuentas de redes sociales del Distrito y podrán también eliminar comentarios en cualquier momento.

    Translations are provided by FPS. Translators are not responsible for the content of the document. LEON - 05/14/2020 SPANISH

A woman smiles while looking at her phone, with the text 'Pics or It Didn't Happen' and 'Using digital marketing to amplify experiences' below.

SchoolCEO Magazine Feature

Framingham Public Schools was featured in the Summer 2024 Edition of the SchoolCEO Magazine for the social media campaign for Dr. Robert Tremblay's superintendent residency in the 2022-2023 school year. Read the article where FPS is featured. (Click here to view)

A green and white award seal with the text 'National School Public Relations Association Publications and Digital Media Excellence Award 2023 Award of Excellence Social Media'.

2023 NSPRA Award of Excellence

Social Media

The FPS Communications Office earned a 2023 NSPRA Award of Excellence for the Social Media campaign which supported Dr. Tremblay's school-based residencies. See campaign details.

This has been posted to the NSPRA website and the award winners will be honored during the Annual Meeting and Celebration of Achievement at the NSPRA 2023 National Seminar on Sunday, July 16th in St. Louis.