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Office of the Superintendent

Office of the Superintendent

Welcome to the start of a new school year!

Similar to the resolutions that we might make in any new year, in this new school year the Framingham Public Schools (FPS) are resolved to strengthen the ways in which our schools and district offices engage with our school community. This commitment is at the core of our FPS vision statement, which emphasizes not only academic excellence but also the development of social, emotional, and behavioral skills.

As parents and caregivers, your involvement and support is critical in helping our students to be positive and productive members of the FPS community. We must work to support one another in creating a more inclusive environment that creates a sense of belonging for ALL. 

All aspects of education are a collaborative effort between school and home, a partnership that is crucial in supporting our students' overall growth and success. By working together, we can ensure that our students are not only achieving academically but also developing the positive behaviors and emotional resilience needed to thrive in all areas of life.

Here is what you can expect from the Framingham Public Schools:

  • Direct and timely communication with caregivers about student academic performance and behavior through ParentSquare, our new communication tool, to ensure that our schools and families are working together; 
  • Code of Character, Conduct, and Support guidance for behavioral expectations and accountability, pairing an accountable consequence to a behavioral infraction with a restorative intervention to promote skill-building and restoration;
  • Family Community Forums located within our diverse multicultural communities. These events will be hosted in collaboration with our Office of Equity, Belonging, and Community Engagement and the Multilingual Department. Join us to share your voice, offer feedback, and work together to support our students.
  • Caregiver Academies to empower parents and families by providing them with the knowledge and skills needed to support their children's education and well-being. Our goal is to offer workshops and resources on topics such as academic support strategies, effective communication with teachers, understanding school policies, and fostering positive home environments. The goal is to strengthen the partnership between families and schools, ultimately enhancing student success and engagement.
  • Student Engagement opportunities to focus more on student voice, leadership, and agency. Our students have the most important voice in our work. We are dedicated to amplifying student voices and encouraging leadership and agency. Our goal is to better understand and act on what matters most to our students.

Here is what we need our caregivers to do as partners in this work:

  • Ensure that your student is in school each and every day - attendance matters! Inconsistent attendance to school and to classes can significantly impact your student’s educational progress. The attendance frequently asked questions document (FAQ) provides important information around expectations for student attendance and absences; 
  • Help us to reinforce the 5 School Rules from the Code of Character Conduct and Support (Code) that we teach students across all levels. Parents and caregivers can support these 5 School Rules and Rights and Responsibilities by talking to their students about what they mean and why they are important while in the classroom and on the school bus; and
  • Review the parent/caregiver rights and responsibilities (SP, PT) to strengthen the relationship between home and schools. 

Thank you in advance for working together with us in support of our amazing school community. Our students will benefit the most when we are all working together to prepare them to be academically strong, socially and emotionally resilient, and respectful and responsible citizens in our community.

Your partner in education,

Bob Tremblay
Superintendent of Schools


Contact Us

A headshot of a man with graying hair and a goatee, smiling at the camera.

Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Robert A. Tremblay

Central Office
Farley Building 
19 Flagg Drive
Framingham, MA 01702

Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
Amy Kane
Phone: 508-626-9118

Title IX Coordinator
Dr. Anthony Pope
Phone: 508-782-6172